Its hard to believe that it's all ready the middle of November, erring on the side of late November. Kind of. Or it will be before I know it. I had many plans for this month, lots to do, much more to achieve. NaNo has fallen by the wayside. I'm not sure how that happened. Oh I should correct that. I know exactly how that has happened. For starters, limited time. Next to that comes focus. I've had very little. I can't seem to hone in on those creative writing juices thus my piece Persona has been left, well, lonely. Maybe I need to change the perspective of it. Include some blog entries, lol. I'll keep going of course, but I doubt I'll make the big 50k in less than 13 days. I'll be pushing it. In order to do that I need to write . . .just over 3100 words a day. Oh yeah, sure! Like that's gonna happen! Unless I give up on sleep. Now that's an option.
Tonight is my third last night of Guides. Its sad. I like the kids a lot. But its also a bit of a releif as well. Monday nights are getting long. I've a 50 minute drive in one direction and a 40 minute one back. On top of the worst day of the week, well, you get my drift. In saying that though, I know I'll miss the interaction with the kids greatly. I'll need to sort that out when I get to the UK.
The weekend was busy. Dinner with Penny on Friday night. Saturday morning was the finishing touches to my 100 Women in Guiding article thingie. Then I drove to Geelong for an X-Files Marathon with Jess and Emma. Left there around 11:30am on Sunday, to come home and pack and sort and pack and eat. I"m trying to do this with a sore foot. Oh yeah, like that's helping! I think I'd rather a hole in my foot!
I'm back at the DTF and CLS. It's rather white and blue. The only thing missing is the hospital smell. On the surface things have changed, but all the same issues are there. You can interpret that any which way you want. And all I need to keep telling myself is that in two weeks, it won't be my problem any more. Still . . .
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago