Around the world this weekend there are a lot of celebrations going on. Yes, it's that time of year again, it's Thinking Day. To all the non Guide people out there it really means nothing, but for those of us involved, not only is it like any other Thinking Day, it's thinking day 100 years on. Big, right? I have to admit to being somewhat disheartened that on this be celebratory weekend I'm curled up on the couch/bed with piles of snotty tissues (ah such a glamourous image!) feeling incredibly sorry for myself. I really hate the sick season!
In saying that however, I have caught myself at various times today thinking a lot. I think the whole disheartened thing was a large theme running through a lot of it. Thus far 2010 has been pretty sucky, with some news all unofficial like, which makes it crappier still.
I had to go through some photos today. Well, it was a three fold project really, two I've been meaning to do for some time now, one came to me today. I guess what I found in the photos was a lot of promise. A lot of happiness. A whole bunch of snap shots from a period of about 5 years of my life when I can honestly say there was a lot going on all for good reason. Now, not so much.
See, its nearing on 12 months since my arrival in the UK. And I really don't feel like I have achieved a whole lot. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to pack my bags and return to Australia, rather far from. And I also want to note that I never expected that 12 months on life would be perfect and peachy keen. Because in reality I knew that was never going to happen. I know a process like this takes time. Hell, I'm sure that 12 months from now there is a possibility I could still feel the same way. I guess, I dunno, I guess I've gone back to losing sight of what I wanted.
Even then that's really a lie. I've never been a person who has my life mapped out. Like most kids, I wanted to be a such and such when I grew up. But nothing ever really stuck. Going into high school I didn't really know then either what I wanted to do. I started to have a panic attack in my VCE years because the co-ordinators were piling on the pressure to make choices about a future I wasn't even sure of yet. So I finished high school and went into the work force, still not knowing what I wanted to do when I was a grown up, despite having all ready entered that world. Still, to this day, I really don't know what I want to be. I suppose that's consistency for you! I guess I worry a bit that I'll just let the years pass me by never having achieved anything.
And again, that's a lie. Because I know in my heart of hearts I've all ready done far more than most people ever will. But I've gone back to feeling like I don't have a purpose, like something is missing. In August of last year I had a faith crisis. And a few times since then it's raised its head again. So maybe what I am feeling is once again another faith crisis, I don't know. But what struck me today as I was thinking and looking at photos, is that I really have, in some ways, become quite idle. And I'll be honest, I hate that.
People dream of the right job. For me, I've not a clue what that would be. Surely I can't be the only person out there who feels this way? And not that I am having an age crisis or anything, because I am not as I know so much can happen and change in a short period of time. But in just over four years, I'll be 30. I used to know people who had their life to 25 planned, they knew where they wanted to be. Frankly, that scared the crap out of me. Why must I limit myself to what I only think should happen? That totally rules out anything that could happen. However, I'm now over half way in my 25th year, past that age where the plans stopped. And yet, I'm still just bopping along. Drifting.
Its funny. That was the title of my NaNoWriMo entry last year. A part of it came from this feeling I was having at the time. However, as with most writers minds, my imagination took over and it became much larger than a feeling and far more dramatic. I am telling you, somehow I missed my calling for Hollywood. But the bare fact remains that I very much had that theme in common with my main character. That feeling of simply drifting. Driving along an endless road until eventually you run out of road to drive on.
So, I hear you ask, what about Erin? Its funny, my relationship with her was something completely out of the blue. When I initially left for Pax in June of 05 just shy of my 21st birthday, people swore blind I was going to find myself a 'Lovely English Chap' and come home married. Or close enough. Imagine the surprise when a) that hadn't happened and b) actually I've met a woman. . . in saying that, I wouldn't change a thing. Erin has been the one constant feeling (despite the bumpy road it's been) that has kept me sane. That in many ways has kept me alive and helped me to become who I am today. In saying that though, I look at her sometimes and envy her. And in fact, many people in her life. Because they all went and did what they wanted to do. Or are working on it.
I guess what I need right now is some assurance that I'm not the only person in the world who feels this way. So please, if its you, or you know someone, get them to drop me a line!! To a degree I do have a little faith, I have faith in the belief that one day yes, I will wake up and know exactly what I am going to do with the rest of my life. But until then, I can't help but feel like I've missed something.
So anyways, Happy Thinking day everyone!!
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago