...of my 27th Birthday, while rendered motionless by a problematic knee, I decided it was about time I came and wrote. I have thought about it a number of times however its rare to get time to myself. Not a block time where I can sit down and ponder, or babble or whatever it is I feel like doing.
A few entries back I made a list of what I wanted to achieve this year. I laughed when I read it because yes, I managed the January plan but that was about it. Shame. In saying that, there have been a large number of changes going on so all things considered I have indeed achieved things, just not the things I'd planned to. But then that's life and I'm pretty sure most of you are aware of that, be it in your own lives or indeed in following my own journey.
Tomorrow I turn 27. In the next three years I really only have two major things that I want to achieve. One is to publish a book, the other is to have a child. The first has never really been a secret, more that I need to keep saying it because I will run out of time life being what it is. The second a few of you have known about, and there are probably a few more of you who knew about the desire but that was as far as it went. As the months flip by, I find myself confronted with a number of growing body complaints. My fears are that as I near the age of 30, the genetic disease I have will start to take effect. Through the wonder that is Facebook I've been able to connect with a network and an organisation here in the UK for people with the same problem. And although the effects on everyone will differ, there is a general pattern and I'd like to be as active a parent as I can. I'm not panicking, I'm just aware is all. While Erin cringes at the thought of giving birth, hence that's my job, she has been very supporting and even getting on board with the whole being parents thing. Which I admit, I'm pretty happy about!
Moving swiftly along from a subject I could probably talk about for hours, work has well, worked out! Its been three months now since I finished with Back to Health. I only realised that the other day and was struck just how swiftly life has continued since then. Indeed I'm also every once in a while reminded about how much of my life, my emotions and general well being was impacted by that job. As much as I hate to admit it, what has been said is true. I'm much happier now. So, where am I at?
At the start of May I started at Pax Lodge! Yes, I'm a paid staff member of WAGGGS which is pretty darn cool, lets be honest!! Much has changed while in some ways much is still the same. On a day to day basis it may seem that I've traded one evil for another, but I don't believe that is the case. I spend at a minimum 15 hours a week commuting assuming all runs to time, so understandably I am tired. However when push comes to shove on even the most horridly stressful, complicated or annoying days, its worth it. There's a bigger picture coupled with the job that I was previously lacking. I'm working for an organisation that I am passionate about, in a building which I care about which has a history that is partly my own. You have to admit, that makes me a very lucky person! How many of you can say that about your own jobs?!
Obviously, I don't live on site which was a large part of the appeal of the position. I've done my time!! That sounds terrible, I know. But having previous experience living and working in the same place for 14 months, I know I couldn't do it again. Its a great thing to do, but I am at a different point in my life now, and it just wasn't an option. The advantage is that for the most part by the time I've reached the front door, work has been left behind at work which is nice and something I've not done for a number of years now.
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago