Friday, May 2, 2008


I am, a lot. Which isn't a good thing because doesn't yawning mean you have a lack of oxygen going to the brain? Not that I'm at all surprised, there is no ventilation in this building and I feel like I am constantly in a heater. No joke, even in summer the heating is on. I like going outside into the Autumn cold just to have a break from the heat. Is it any wonder so many people are sick? The change of temperature, I mean come on!

So I think I want to complain again. Not about anything in particular, I just feel like I am in one of those moods where if someone gave me a reason, albit even a small one, I'd complain about it until the cows come home. Or until I am blue in the face. Pick your cliche should you wish. Its a niggly mood. Probably because I know it's Friday afternoon and the weekend is just a heartbeat away. Almost.

The brain is starting to think a little more about the future. The near future, as the end of the year is fast approaching and I need to decide on a few things. First and most important will be money. I need to decide how much I am going to put aside to save. I need to work out the cost of my road trip plans in December and at the top of that list, I need to figure out some source of an income should I not have a great stash of funds to support me until I settle somewhere. My general estimates have me needing about $3000 to survive from December through until February. Okay, some of you have just dropped dead with that amount. Factor in there that I am going to be traveling as much as posible while in the states, even will try and get up to Canada to celebrate Australia Day with Erim M. Now, I also need to keep in mind that I will need accommodation in London for a while. And also need to keep the exchange rate in mind. However, my hopes are that if I do head back to London (assuming I don't get a greencard) I'm hoping to find work at Pax again for the sheer convenience of it. Well the experience too, but its an ideal set up for a while too. I will admit that.

I also need to consider that I will be booking a ticket in late October to make this journey happen. I need money to ship my belongings to where I settle. Yes, I will be selling my car, but I have a small loan to pay off too and over the years my car has lost value. I mean give the girl a break, she is 10 years old now! Still in really good condition, but not worth a hell of a lot in the grand scheme of things. Maybe $5000 at best hopes. I'm thinking it will be more like $3000 knowing my luck!

Money seems to be weighing on my mind right now. Its not that much of a worry. In a good month I can put $1000 away. Even if I only get five months in there, that's $5000 without the money from my car. Its all possible. However, you and I know that $1000 will not be put away a month!! Alas, its just wishful thinking.

Perhaps I should go and buy a lotto ticket.

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