The boxes have gone! Yep, the nine boxes just were piled into the truck and not to be seen until four months from now! It's kinda weird to think I'll be without that stuff for so long. You could do a personality guess by the stuff in there, it's a part of what makes me who I am! Someone would have some fun with that no doubt. All I need is for the ship to sink and some poor person like Tom Hanks be stranded on an island with it all. He he he, that would be kinda funny actually.
After all the hype of NaNo, I just made it to the halfway mark. People were right, I was insane to try and get 50k in the busiest month of my life. But I did get half way and that's something. I just found it so hard to sit and concerntrate on it. My mind was like going in ten different directions and unfortunately it wasn't the focus or distraction I was hoping it would be. However, there is always next year when things will be more settled. Oh my god I'll be married then.
Aside from that, I think all seems to be going okay. I'm not left with as much money as I had hoped, but my car is going to my brother which is nice and it's keeping her in the family. I have a road trip happebing on a budget. I'm going to be in Washington DC when Obama is sworn in which is friggin awesome, and I've a free trip to Canada to think about which is nice as well. Yay for frequent flyer miles.
Plans for London are still up in the air. I need to sit down and put some concrete plans in place to have somewhere to live when I arrive there. That's my main concern. Everything should hopefully fall into place after that. Fingers crossed. I feel okay about it all really. I just until I know what is what, I'm not sure what to feel.
Poor Erin has been dealing with all sorts of emotions, I've been a roller coaster at the best of times. Thank god for Lexapro! I dread to think what I'd be like without it. There's been enough going on to throw myself into but I'm having trouble sleeping at night and just really not sure what I want about little things. Like what to watch on TV or what to have for dinner. I can't focus on it. I feel like I am living in La-la land.
So yes, today is Wednesday. Just three full days and two part days to go until we get on the plane. Part of me wants it to come very quick, the other part not. I'm starting to think about all the little things I'll miss. But on a very general level I feel like I've done this before so in some way it makes it a whole lot easier to do.
OMG I have the TV on at the moment. Who has seen those "Talking Sex with Olivia"adverts?? What is up with that, seriously?! You can call them for a consultation now on 1300 50 50 70! OMG what is daytime TV coming to?
Anyways, the afternoon is pretty much free now. I have two phone calls to make (on is fixing an issue with my water company who are ringing me about the address I previously lived at!) and one is about lunch on Saturday. Mmmmm Soul Mamas, I have heard lots of good things about it so am looking forward to good food.
This morning I had to take the Kids on the Block puppets into Guide Centre. The poor things will be living in the shower by the sounds of it. It breaks my heart to see them go!! And to know that they'll sit idle for a while sucks even more!! Someone out there please help out! Those kids can't be left in the shower forever! not even for a month if it can be helped!
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago
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