Its lunchtime. I'm taking the time to catch up on a few things. Seems I have been doing a lot of that lately, through no fault of my own or any one Else's for that matter, it's just how it turned out really. Its been a whirlwind 10 days. Starting a new job has started with a bang which has been brilliant. Quite refreshing if nothing else. It's been a long time since I've really had to think on my feet and been thrown so deeply into the deep end. But I've loved it. Yes, the hours have been hard, as has the struggle with travel and routine. Yet, 10 days later I'm still alive and kicking!
True, I've been sick. But I've managed to charge on and with each day that goes by, I feel there is more and more I can understand, I can do, I can attempt to do. People interaction, new programmes, new bits of information I didn't know. Plus, the two guys I work with love me. I don't say that in a big headed way, because I was only told so via a third party. But it's a really nice feeling to be appreciated. Let me explain.
Working for Vic Pol was a great thing. Yes, like everyone else, I had days where I complained. That comes with any job really. But when I returned from Pax Lodge I realised just how much of a number I was as opposed to an individual working to make a difference. Two years I struggled with that. Working and working and getting no thanks, no indication that the place would fall apart without me. Or, well, there were small glimpses of that, but in the long run it didn't really matter if it was me or someone else doing the work. Or at least that's how it felt.
While job hunting here in London, I really did try keep in mind the aim of finding a job that I would make a difference in. As much as wage and location would be a nice thing to have as I want, I know the bottom line is I want a job I can be happy in, a job that I know I am valued as an individual as well as a team. Frankly, this new role of just me and two chiropractors has been a shock to the system! In saying that, I know it's what I want. Yes, I'm learning as I am going as that's something due to circumstances prior to my arrival that can't be changed. For the first time in a long time, I really feel like I matter. And I like that. I mean, I don't want thanks for everything I do. But I do want some every once in a while for making an effort or a difference. If I go that extra mile (which is in my nature to do so) and simple thanks is nice.
Anyways, I'm using my lunch to write this because it's quiet and I just felt like blogging really. I'm done with my lunch and was drinking my Marks and Spencer's' cola and thought I'd drop by. After writing an e-mail prior to this that is. Its during the course of that e-mail as I was listing various ways to get in contact with me that I realised just how much of my life is electronic! There is mobile, e-mail, Facebook, blog, BigLight, MSN and Skype. Goodness me!
The past two weeks I've been able to meet up with some familiar faces. Rachel S and Maria P were in London for various reasons. One thing I am constantly reminded is that no matter how much time has passed (in both cases nearly two and a half years) we can get together and talk like old friends again. I've had the same experiences with Shanna, Erin S, Saga, Ruth, Doreen, Heather, Grace, Carla, Louise and Janet. I love how working as a house cleaner (said tongue in cheek of course) can bring people together!
There is more excitement afoot for Philers this coming week. With all the babble about A Dolls House starring Gillian Anderson opening and then Ros coming to visit, London now has the onset of the IC coming to see ADH and meeting up with out every fearless aussie leader, Sandi. Woohoo! I have to admit to being very excited about meeting her. Conversations twice on the phone just don't cut it now! There is also some small, but excited talk, about X-Con in Berlin in October. I can't wait! Woohoo!! Though I think the pressure to be a rep for all the Aussie Philes will hit me closer to it. OMG, how insane is that?! But still so very exciting!
So here's where I am at travel wise. In August we're going up to Edinburgh, Scotland for the Military Tattoo. October will be Berlin, Germany for X-Con. For a while there I had thoughts about going to Blackpool, England in September for the L Word L6 convention. That one I think for the moment is on the back burner. Soon I shall embark upon a journey to Worthing to see Mother Duck and Liz. I also want to go annoy Ruth in Ireland (she just doesn't know it yet) at some point before it starts getting cold. Though I've dealt with Minnesota in winter, I should be fine with most things now!! Ha!
Then there is summer in London. Always a brilliant time to have things going on. I really must go see some theatre at Regents Park. And I've got to start walking my London LOOP! Ohhh man, I need more days off!! Lol NO WAY!! I've had far too many of those recently, I'm perfectly happy to have none. . . .
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago
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