It's time. Time to write and reflect over the past 12 months of life. Its the season to do it, of course, as not only another year ends but a decade as well. They've been calling these past 10 the Noughties which is a rather unfortunate name when you think about it. Ha, just 10 years ago I was 15 and half. Finishing year nine. What a year that was. But alas, it should be this past year I should be thinking most about. And so I will.
For me it's rather strange to think that I've been gone from Australia for nearly 13 months now, however have only been in the UK for 10 of those. I keep saying that once it's been a year things should have settled a bit, so in some regards I still have a little time. I suppose that's what has made the year a bit bumpy and unstable, certainly the first part anyways. You know this year alone I have lived in four different addresses. I do believe that's a new record for me! It's been the year of moves bought on by the biggest one yet at the end of last year, the choice to move to the UK. Since leaving Australia, I called Richmond KY, USA home for three months. Then I flew to London calling Pax Lodge in Hampstead home again for three months. Then from there I shifted to South London, living in Catford for two months before shifting once again to my current home in Croydon. Where ideally I'd like to say settled for a bit! I moved there on the 4th of July and now, just over six months later (oh my GOD I only just figured that out) I think it really is starting to feel like home.
A part of me in recent weeks has questioned the value of the past year. In some ways I feel like it's been a bit of a waste and partly feels like I don't have a whole lot to show for that passed time. What has made me feel like this is comparing the foundations I had in Australia to the ones I have now. Unfairly so. I've had to keep telling myself that the foundations there took 21 years to achieve. I can't expect miracles over night. And so with that in mind, I look forward to the New Year with the hope of a new job (one I choose rather than one which is simply there) and the hope of meeting more new people and starting foundations and creating memories and a life here.
Indeed it's been a rough year for the emotions. I've struggled with my depression much more than I thought I would. But again, under the circumstances, I've done quite well! I've said some hard good-byes some of which are much more long term than others. I've said hello's once again to people from my previous life here as well as my previous life way back there. I've stressed over being unemployed, then stressed about being employed. About money. About gaining weight again. About getting to the point where I am happy. Somewhere in there I dealt with painful wisdom teeth, a flu (several times), having domestic life prolonged much longer than it was supposed to have been and I even scared myself in there with a bit of an alcohol problem. This latter one, to relieve any concerns, is now gone.
However, I don't want to dwell on the negatives and what sounds like such a bad time because in all honesty, it really hasn't been that terrible. Its been an amazing year of growth for me and once more I learnt just how much I am capable of dealing with. To praise myself a little, a lot of people told me as I went into this that they admired me a lot for what I was going to do. At the time I looked at the move as simply something that I wanted to do to make myself happy. To make a commitment to the person I want to share the rest of my life with. I didn't see it as a big deal at all. A wise friend told me that I might not recognise the scope of this until later on when I reflected back over it. As always, she was right. What I've put myself through these past 12 months in some ways make me sit back in awe. Was I really that naive about it all?!
The flip side to all that is the series of adventures I've had. Some grand. Some momentous. Some special just for me. But each month has presented an adventure of some description. True to myself there are some which stand out more than others and some which words cannot even begin to do justice to. And so it's those now that I focus on and wonder just what the New Year will bring.
December saw me leave Australia bound for the US for three months starting with an awesome road trip across the Southern States of the USA. And what a trip it was! I think it worked out to be 15 days in total starting in LA (and then onto Disneyland!!) and ending in Kentucky. Along the way seeing sights which will always make me smile, some which leave me in awe and the chance of catching up with Shanna & Philip (and meeting Anna-Claire!). I blogged a lot about those days which I am sure should you wish to, can go back and read. The month also saw me celebrate my third Christmas Kentucky style, complete with fireworks, the Girl Scout gathering (which always rocks my world) and pasta on Christmas Day.
January will always be remembered not for Australia Day in USA (complete with beer and footy), not for the onset of a killer ice-storm (good grief living in a hotel is not really all that fun) but for Obama's Inauguration Day. Yes, I was there the day that history happened catching what could very well have been hypothermia out on The Mall amongst millions of people. It truly was an amazing few days and it was incredible to watch people come together for an event which represented so much hope for change for so many people. Washington D.C went from being busy, to really busy to sardine style busy over the course of a weekend and I was in crowds I hope to high heaven I'm never in again. But it was TOTALLY worth it!
February was the month of many more miles on the road. With thanks to the ice storm's effects which filtered over into the start of the month, our trip to Minnesota was postponed and tagged on later in the month with a trip to Des Moines to visit Erin S. In the middle came a trip to South Bend to visit Maggie (and Notre Dame!) where we ventured across to Illinois for a day in Chicago and a visit to my first Great Lake. Jeff (Fa-fa!) Dunham (dot com!) made an appearance in Lexington, KY which was totally awesome and very, very exciting for me (not so much for Erin who was stuck in the car with me). And then there was Minnesota via Des Moines. So. Much. Snow. Seriously! It was so beautiful! I saw my second Great Lake (it was frozen which was very cool), ate some great pie in Two Harbours and caught up with a grand old Canadian friend in Wisconsin. I also got to spend time with lots of Erin's family which simply had me in my element. I don't come from a large family, so it was a very new experience for me and one I honest to god hope to enjoy again!
March sucked in a lot of ways. I flew solo back to the UK to start on the adventure for some time I'd been feeling was one I was destined to make. I once again called Pax Lodge home and in many ways it was so strange to be back. While a lot had changed, some things hadn't and it took most of the month for me to get my head around how I was feeling about it all. A week after my arrival I had my first job interview which got my hopes up very high way too quickly. I was soon to learn things weren't going to be that easy. I spent some time getting re-acquainted with London. We celebrated Pax Lodge's anniversary and Earth Hour. I had more interviews.
April presented me with many more interview opportunities. Many, many more rejections as well. I met my first UK Philer (X-files fan) Victoria, whom came like a breath of well needed fresh air (V that's a compliment!). It also found two visitors from my old Pax days come and visit me. Both Saga and Ruth returned to London and it was great catching up with them. Saw some theatre in there, got a National Insurance number and came down with the flu. Bleh. Right as the month ended I enjoyed a dinner at Euston train station with another old friend, Mutley Ruth (!).
May equated to change. The month saw me achieve a decade long dream of finally seeing Gillian Anderson on stage which truly was an amazing experience. Coupled with this was meeting Aussie Philer Ros for some much counted down squeeness and some wandering around Grand Old London Town. My dear friend Kathy was in the UK and I managed to catch some time with her and Ruth to have dinner. Heather and I went out to Crystal Palace for the day. I was interviewed more. I moved out of Pax Lodge and down to Catford which was scary and exciting all at the same time. On the 29th I spent my last £7 on a rail ticket to get to an interview. The following day I started work. Fate for once was leaning in my favour.
June was epic. I survived my first week on the job as a thrown in the deep end CA for Back to Health. It was a long month work wise, working literally six days a week between Croydon and Richmond. I was tired. The commute from Catford was a killer. Then another Aussie Phile came to London, Sandi, and on my second viewing of 'A Dolls House' I finally got to meet Gillian Anderson. Such an amazing moment. Heart pounding. Palms sweaty. Programme and Pen ready. She made her way along the gathered line and despite me practiced efforts, all I did was squeak at her to which she simply smiled and moved on. Epic fail! Now I look back and laugh, but then I was gutted.
July marked my silver Jubilee, indeed I turned 25 -a quarter of a century! By way of celebration I had treated myself (indeed the first ticket I purchased) to a viewing of A Dolls House on my birthday. It was my third time seeing the show and by far the best performance I'd seen. It was much more powerful and moving than previous shows. That same night I met a bunch of German Philes whom I was likely to see again in October at X-Con in Berlin, but as things turned out, I never made it there. Rebecca from New Zealand also came to visit me and we celebrated with a pub crawl beginning around 2pm, among other things. It also saw the birth of Shanna's second baby girl, Aubrey.
August was another busy month. Rebecca returned to London once again for some more adventure. A friend from the Force back home, Christina, was also in London so in addition to wandering around this cultured city, she also came with me on Day 1 of walking The London Loop. It was a tiring day! Unfortunately not long after that came the news that Erin's visa was declined and the onset of dealing with being apart much longer than we'd planned to be. Late in the month I took a trip to Scotland with Heather to see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and we were joined by Heather's friend Anne and my London buddy Victoria. Shortly there after I began to have wisdom teeth woes. Not fun.
September started with the removal of the first of three painful teeth. It also meant that plans to tackle the second leg of the London Loop were postponed and is still yet to be walked (I'll get there eventually!). I battled with loneliness a lot this month but on the up side, fall came to London and turned all the leaves red and yellow. The 5th marked my 18 year anniversary of being a Guide. I tagged along for a rather religious Sunday with Heather, Maia and Yvette which further made me question my faith or lack there of. Things as work continued to be rocky and thus started the thoughts of finding somewhere else to work. My flat started to take shape with more furniture added into it. The Croydon Food Festival happened at the end of the Month which allowed for two weeks of food, glorious food! Once more another baby joined the world, with Louise giving birth to baby Jack.
October arrived quickly. I turned my heating on for the first time. Yes, I was cold! Erin and I celebrated our fourth anniversary, however it was the first time we were unable to be together. Ruth returned for a few days and became my first house guest! Amazingly enough by the end of it we'd not killed each other, managed a trip to Brighton, the theatre and ate lots of yummy food. Oh and played lots of Skip-Bo! I also began to partly plan for my third NaNoWriMo attempt. Shortly after that was the fundraiser weekend of AXFF which I was able to semi-successfully Skype with the gathering in Queensland. Much to my horror Christmas arrived, decorations came into the stores, went up in the streets and carols were being played. I couldn't believe my eyes. It all arrived before Halloween, which (on the day) allowed me the opportunity to decorate the clinic and have lots of sweets on my desk. Plus I re-visited the challenge of carving a pumpkin!
November =NaNoWriMo. Enough said. Just kidding! My life in this month was pretty much dedicated to writing. I attended a number of Write-Ins where I met some new people and rediscovered my love of writing. For the first time in a long time, I'd started to feel alive again and its a feeling I found I'd missed. With a piece titled 'Drifting' I crossed the finish line three days ahead of schedule and 20 words over the target. Winter had arrived, fog started to show up in the mornings and we got a new Doctor at the clinic. This month Sally gave birth to baby Tess which was very exciting!! I made some pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving and ventured out to Wimbledon for Bruce's birthday.
December is here once more and is now almost over. With it came the arrival of horrid cold and damp weather which has covered the country in stark beauty. We had snowfall and a lot of ice. One morning on the way to work, I slipped and fell. My social life picked up a bit with visiting friends and few planned festive events. The Christmas Market set up on the North End of Croydon and the shops came to life filled with hundreds of people. I got sick with the flu and was pretty much out of action for a week. Great news came with Erin's flight being booked for January (yay!) followed by the sad news of the passing of her grandfather. I made some firm choices to find a new job and indeed applied for one or two. At least this time round I am employed so I at least have a wage coming in! Natalie, another pal from the Force, was in Europe and dropped by London. We did a Jack the Ripper walk and froze a little bit. Hopefully we'll get the chance to catch up again before she heads back. The main Christmas Days were spent up at Pax Lodge which made for a nice holiday from my own life. But as always, that in turn gives you chance to think about too much!
Looking ahead to the next few days, New Years looks to be a quiet one. I'm tossing around the idea of going up to London to watch the fireworks on the Thames which is sort of iconic really. It's likely I'll end up doing just that. Until then, I'll just keep working away. And once more I'll do just that in the New Year. 2010 is on our doorstep. I look forward to throwing the door open and seeing what's waiting on the other side.
Here's to a New Year, a New Decade and a New Adventure awaiting us all.
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago
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