Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mindless Stuff

I wonder why it is you cannot cut your own hair? I mean, you clearly can. Just pick up a pair of scissors and snip away. Chances are the outcome won't be ideal, but you could do it. Its just that I'm in dire need of a cut. Its bad. And so I was thinking this morning as I was brushing my teeth, about how I could cut it myself and keep it somewhat presentable. Yes, I'm stingy and cheap I know, but I'm on a budget!! So my little mathematical brain was trying to think about angle and cut and well, it just didn't work out for me. Tips anyone?

Then on the way to work this morning I started to think about sunglasses. You see, its been bright enough of late that I've needed a pair because the daylight is hurting my eyes. I mean, bright sunlight. Yes, we do indeed get some here! Point being that on Saturday on my way home I went and got a pair (yes on a budget, tis my middle name!) and well, I'm happy with them. Which is good. And rare. So I wore them home which is fine. But I also had them on this morning as it was bright and sunny out. And it struck me that I was the only person I could see who was wearing them. I felt a little bit odd. Actually if I am honest, I felt really daft!! I was just suddenly aware that I was like the people who wear sunglasses in shopping centres. Anyways, I began to wonder if I was the only person who was like that. Are my eyes really that sensitive?

You might wonder about the significance of these to rather mundane and pointless pondering. Its simple. For me its a sign my brain is starting to function again. There are times that it becomes so stagnant that there are no thoughts in there at all. Its empty. Hollow. Like a giant hall you can make footsteps echo in. Yet when I start to have these thoughts, for me its a sign that the cogs are beginning to turn again. Usually this doesn't happen until October, right before I am gearing up for NaNoWriMo. Right before I'm trying to think of something to write about, like my body is expecting that to happen. So I'm curious, what might this mean now?

1 comment:

nordanvinden said...

About cutting your own hair. It works. At least for me. I've done it with both long and short hair. The thing is, most haircuts look weird when they are to evenly cut. And you can trick the eye easily. I'd never hold the scissors horizontal, always almost completly vertical. Last time I asked someoone else to do the back. He sucked. But with a bit of help from me and a razor machine it looks cool again :P