I can't sleep. Erin would tell me its because there is something on my mind which is why my brain won't switch off. Personally, I don't think it's that. I'm just sure my mind wants to constantly be on the go because it has ADD or something. That's just how it is sometimes. So our room at Hyatt Place is pretty cool I have to admit. Sorta dark at the moment, but very comfy! There's a lot of noise around, well background noise which just seems amplified at the moment. Simply because I can't sleep. People out in the hallway (are they having a HA party out there?!) and the traffic going by. Even at this ungodly hour of the morning.
Speaking of God, we drove along on the way to somewhere (very descriptive, I know) and the ten commandments were posted sign by sign. I always think what you see along the side of the road is a good reminder that you are in America. Its endlessly amusing. I wonder if we shall indeed see some fork cactus today?
Do you know how incredibly hard it is sitting here knowing I have a 42"plasma in the same room with 30 channels of who knows what and know that I can't put it on?! Ohh I hear rustling, maybe someone else is awake?
Nope, seems not. *sighs* oh well I can live in hope right?! Speaking of TV, we caught a bit of a show called How Things Work and they were talking about the Turkey industry here in America. Some interesting facts: Five months is the lifespan of a turkey bred to eat. All the turkey's are artificially inseminated, the males and females never mix. Turkey farms pump out on average 250 million turkey's a year, which equates to approx 1 per person. Americans eat about 17 pounds of turkey per person each year.
That's pretty sad. Its like 3am and I've driven across some amazing parts of the country all ready and all I can think about is turkey? Hmmm maybe I am hungry. I might go rustle me up some snacks!
Dang the Day is Almost Over!
18 years ago
Hey is this the same show that tells the difference between organic turkey's and shows different types of turkeys and the different types of environments they are grown in before we eat them?? If so I saw that too. Did you know we used to raise turkeys?? Letitia
Oh my gosh, it was! We were watching the same show!! Ha! You guys raised Turkeys? That's funny. We'll be there soon!!
Rachael :-)
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