Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Comfy Viewing

Have you ever been to see a movie in Gold Class? I now have! And talk about nice! Oh man! Nice, big reclining chairs which are big and puffy and comfy. And then the food. And the coffee which comes out towards the end of the movie . . . oh man!! I went for a second viewing of I Want To Believe last night and much enjoyed it. Because of the comfort but also because this time round I wasn't all hyped up and was able to focus a little more. Which was nice because I got to see all the things I missed the first time round.

All ready there is speculation for a third movie. Who knows, maybe that time round I'll be in London for the premier :-)

Maggie goes home tomorrow. I can't believe it! How fast has this month gone? Its almost like since we went up to Sydney that time has zoomed and now it's like almost all over. Insane! Its going to be weird not having her around, but nice as well. Not that's its been horrible having her here, not at all! But I guess having someone around makes you realise how much of a routine you have. And I was always bought up to believe you look after you guest as best as possible. So it's almost like a month of being on duty even though that wasn't expected of me! It's just a programmed thing I have happening!

The big news is that Sally has decided to quit from Pax Lodge. I have to admit, I saw it coming, just not so suddenly that's all. Should I go back and work there next year it will be just Grace and Heather there that I will know. Which is good because I really want to go back with a different perscpective in mind. I will approach it much differently and look forward to meeting a whole bunch of new people too. Anyways, that's all dependant on the "if" factor.

This weekend will be screening number 3 of IWTB and the weekend after that will be House Warming weeking with Lou up in Canberra! Yay!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Work to Rest

Its been a pretty full on weekend, some 10 hours of driving or perhaps even more! This is Maggie's las weekend in Australia so we jumped in the car on Saturday Morning and drove the length of the Great Ocean Road to the 12 Apostles. Then all the way back. It was pretty good and for the most part we were really lucky with the rain, it only seemed to pour down on the times we were driving between stops. What more could you ask for?!

On Sunday we decided to go down to Phillip Island and said the Penguin Parade which was pretty awesome. Kinda cold and not as many penguins as there is in the summer, but great none the less. I got a pal for Squeak, Squee is his name and he is very cute.

I'm trying to decide if I want to start putting up photos with my posts. Like one photo a post or something. I'm not sure, but maybe make a habit of it more so than not? Something additional to do I suppose, and sometimes a scene is easier to express in visuals rather than words.

Something is up with my body at the moment. Its just not happy about anything.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I Want To Believe -and Have!

So I had intended to write yesterday in the lead up to, the big anticipation of finally going to see XF2. It just didn't happen. For a few reasons, one was that I was jumpy and all over the place and the day simply didn't go quick enough. And also because I had work to do. And I may have had a glance at the LA Premier online for a while . . .

. . . Alas all has been revealed! Sort of. In true X-Files tradition there are questions left unanswered, but not as many as their could have been. Overall the movie has sort of left me half half in the sense that I wasn't expecting what I saw. It was both reassuring and different. Like going home to family and friends after a long time away. It was odd. But all very good!

It was nice to see that the corny humour and one liners were still around, still nice to see old faces and also quite nice to have Mark Snow back creating that creepy kinda atmosphere. For the most part its what long time fans wanted, but also a new spin on things, just enough to pull in a new fan base some 10 years since the show started. It may even be more now, who knows.

However, what I wasn't expect was such a strong story line on the whole priest pedophile thing. Is it any wonder the movie has had like no PR in the lead up to the release, especially since Worth Youth Day was last week and that very subject was one discussed with the Pope.

My overall rating. I'd say about a 9 or a 9.5 out of 10. It's nice to have fresh material, even if it isn't new ground :-) And yay for the shippy moments too!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Being Back

Talk about difference in weather. Sydney was glorious. Melbroune is drab. Ha! But it is nice to be "home" as such, be back in my own house with my own bed and my own things and my own shower, toilet, kitchen and my car! Oh how I missed and worried about my car! Alas, I was quite happy when I get back to the airport carpark and found her still sitting there. December will be gut wrenching for me!

So. Sydney. We saw lots, ate lots and saw lots and lots and lots of people! Oh we even took a day trip out to the Blue Mountains which was better than I feared, though the driver left a lot to be desired for. Not that his driving was bad, rather I just wish he hadn't spoke so much and tried not to be so "Okka Aussie". Drove me mad after a while. Very soon. The highlight of that day was the evening. We missed the ferry we were supposed to get, however, it got us back into the Harbour after dark and it was so totally worth it! It was stunning to see the city all lit up and go under the bridge and yeah, awesome.

Now it's back to the real world. Back to work and guides and laundry and bills. Sighs. Oh wells, as Ned Kelly said, Such is Life, or at least I think it was he who said it. . .

Friday, July 18, 2008

World Youth Day

Oh my gosh, it's so insane! I'm in Sydney at the moment with Erin and Maggie playing tourists. And well on my part the planning was bad. There are people all over the place. Seriously. Packed. But for their luck and ours, the weather has been simply glorious, in fact, I even caught a little sun today.

We went all around the place. First to the Opera House, then walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. From there was a ferry from the North Shore round to Darling harbour for lunch, then on the Monorail to Hyde Park, the Australia Musuem and then back to where we are staying for yet another night in. That's going to do my head in. In saying that, it's been fun.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fickle -The Word of the Day

I've decided if I were to turn into a word, it would be Fickle because right now that's what I feel surging through my body. Fickle. Or Fickleness, if that's even a word. Lots is Fickle right now. Lots is changing which makes things even more Fickle. Or it feels like lots is changing, thus I guess lots will become Fickle. I highly doubt that is making any sense to anyone other than myself and even then I'm not sure that it makes sense, as such.

Let's start over.

I'm in an odd mood today. Or was. Then I just got really made again, and decided I'm back to really badly wanting to quit my job. I really badly can feel that I'm now no longer getting anything out of this and am feeling of no use to anyone. More than anything I am so over being treated like a piece of poop and being on the receiving end of frustrations simply because I am the lowly admin person. My new side kick seemed as appalled as I was about it. I told her it's all a part of our role. Not to take those things personally, even if they are point blankly directed at us. Needless to say she's said no more about the matter. I so hate this job. I really do.

Relationships are also a fickle thing. Friendships, romances, accquaintances. I'm telling I feel like Bass Straight has suddenly overflowed and is whole heartedly intending to drown me. Gosh darn it! I want life to be simple again!

Maggie is over at the moment so we've been busy playing host, working, guiding gyming and just trying to sleep every once in a while. Having a guest in the house suddenly points out just how routine and home body like we are. In saying that, I don't imply we are a pair of recluses. Just set in our ways that's all. And it's really sort of boring to an outside person no doubt!

I just . . . I don't know. Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own life. It's almost like I leap out of my body and suddenly find myself questioning if this is who I am and if I'm leading my life in the right direction. I should imagine a lot of people find themselves asking the same thing. But still, it doesn't make the though any less alarming. I assumed I was doing what I wanted to do. Though right now I feel like I am stuck in a bogg, can see the distant shore but also know I am getting no closer to it. What the hell is that about?!

There is a nice new shining ring on my finger. It's a rather odd thing to wear. I don't say that in a bad way. But it feels different to how I thought it would feel, not that I could describe how I thought it would feel in the first place. Not that I've ever thought of straying, I have very stong feelings about that. But it's almost like now I totally can't. Not that I want to! It's odd. I am looking at things in a very odd way today. Maybe there was something in my tea. Or maybe it was the stale cornflakes, I do not know.

Have to admit I am both excited about and dreading the arrival of Thursday. Sydney. Normally it would be fine, but the more and more I read about World Youth Day, the more nervous I become. I can't believe of all weekends I choose for us to fly up there, that's the one. Good grief.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mmmm Ice -Cream

I totally want ice-cream right now! I think some real good, rich chocolate would do the trick!

It's been a busy few days. Maggie has arrived, I've eaten out like a heap of times (tends to be that case around birthdays) and well, there's work and we're a KOB show tomorrow and it's all just sort of crazy. But not totally crazy. I've also been trying to cram in the gym which has fallen by the way side in rescent times which is a bad thing.

Winter is in full force in Melbourne now. Shouldn't have expected much less really, but its cold and blustery and rainy and the fog has been quite hilarious in some respects because its been hiding a lot of the buildings in the city.

It's just over a week before XF2 premiers. Totally pumped for that! I tried to win a midnight screening tickets but failed dismally. So I'll head out to see it on the 24th like everyone else. But it's almost here!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yummy Morning

Happy Birthday to me!!

Have you ever noticed how much better a Grande Caramel Macchiato and chocolate crossant taste on your special day?? I have, yum yum!

I have the Wicked soundtrack, it's so brilliant and all I've been singing of late.

Monday, July 7, 2008

July beings the mid 20s

First and most pertanent of questions floats from your mouth. How was the Opera? Well let me put it this way. I left after the first act. About 45 minutes in and I'd had enough so I bid farewell to Erin and Maggie and left for the freedom of the street. Goodness me! Remind me never to try attempt Opera again. I'm sure it's only really mild and I'm sure that the show maybe got better, but I can't deal with people singing at me like that! And no it's not like a musical! Those are fun! Those you can understand, those don't recite the same lines over and over again! But in saying that, it was an experience and I can now say I've seen live Opera, even if it is only a little bit.

This week brings me face to face with an age crisis. I'm entering my mid 20s. I'm leaving my early 20s behind (which have been really great years I might add) and am entering the settling phase of my life. Apparently. Anyways, it promises to be a busy week with dinner and gym and guides and sight seeing and yeah, busy. I don't feel like it's near my birthday in the same way I usually do. Maybe that's a side effect of getting older. Who knows. Not that I am ancient yet mind you.

I Want To Believe premiers so very soon! In like 17 days! It's rather exciting I have to admit, I'm very much looking forward to seeing it. Which reminds me, I really need to go put Triple M on to listen, they're giving away preview tickets for a midnight screening. Must go!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mixed Emotions

They're such complicated things, emotions. You can feel any number of them at once and it's like different parts of you are split into different segments and are arguing with themselves. I guess that's what it feels like to have multiple personalities, only I'm not sure the person is aware that they have multiple personalities.

Anyways, here's a run down of it all. Firstly, and foremost, I'm excited. Maggie arrives tomorrow morning. July has arrived ever so quickly! So there will be lots to do and see and Erin will be very happy for some time because she'll have a little slice of home here and I know its going to make her smile unlike she's smiled in a long time. But on the flip side to that, I know that when Maggie goes she's going to be all sad and depressed and really homesick. So that in turn makes me feel bad. It's such a bittersweet situation.

Next in line comes guilt. And well, for a lot of reasons. Mainly because we're have the first screw up of KOB shows and even though its not my fault, I still feel bad. Way back in May for the Guides Vic AGM we talked to a group of people about coming and performing for what I assuming is like a school holiday program, but only for a day. Because it was a work day, it would require us taking time off work. At that stage they were unsure if we were going to be suited. We were told they'd get back to us and let us know and I remember saying let us know ASAP so that we can arrange to get that day off work. Handed over some flyers and left it at that. Monday I get a phone call making sure we're still able to come on next Tuesday. Well of course I freak out over that, said that we had never confirmed that date and the caller said we had. I told them I'd see what I could do. So bottom line is we can't do that date as Erin can't get the day off work. She also agrees that we never confirmed the date and that someone was going to call us about it. So yeah, I feel bad about the whole thing because they now need to scramble to find something to fill in that time, but on the same token I know it's not my fault. Though I do feel bad. That's just me.

I'm also feeling a little guilty about moving OS. Not for anyone here, rather for Erin. Its going to mean that for a while we may have to have some time apart again. I'm not happy with that arrangement and neither is she, but there's not a lot we can do about it. She's just so scared about it and I think I'm mentally starting (even now) to prepare myself for that parting again, but she refuses point blank to even think about it. But knowing the sort of planning involved in this, it's something we need to think about now to make preparations. It's so hard.

Then comes the exhaustion. I do simply just feel tired all the time. Like I"m constantly on the go. Work is busy. Guides seems to be becoming more and more a burden and Kids on the Block is sort of stagnent in a busy kind of way. I'm trying to cram the gym in there, and when I don't get there, feel guitly about that as well.

Stressing about money. About family. About friends. About the future.

Classic candidate for a nervous breakdown, what do you think?! Lol, it's not that bad, its really just a whole bunch of stuff having a party in my head. It just all gets a bit too much sometimes and I can't turn the music down. I'm sure it'll all pan out fine.

The Marriage of Figaro is on Saturday night. I've never been to Opera before. Gosh I hope I like it!