Wednesday, August 20, 2008


That's it! I did! It's done!! The letter of Resignation from Victoria Police is now handed in and making it's way through the chair of command like a row of dominoes falling one by one. Okay, perhaps not that drastic and not that amusing. Still, it's moving. I cannot tell you how nice yet weird this feeling is. It's going to end! Oh joy! I'll leave this work place's woes for that of another, but there will be a three month holiday in there! Woot Woot! However, it also makes things a lot more final. I've got just over three months to get finances in line, book a ticket, find a mover, sort out my last week (this will be vital to helping things run smooth) and a whole bunch of other things that right now are just clogging up the thought processed.

And I still want to do NaNoWriMo in there?! I keep telling myself it'll be a good focus, but I don't know. Maybe I'm just being insane!

I was talking to a good, old, almost lost friend. It's complicated. There is a history there. Good and bad and some self inflicted and some not. Anyways, we were talking about marriage (which I am embarking on, oh my gosh!) and kids and a few other serious things as one does when one reaches their mid 20's. And well, I want to go back to the kids idea and pose a question:

Does it really matter if there parents of each gender, parents of one gender or simply one parent?

Many years ago, the belief was that stable kids came from a stable home life with mum and dad. However, society has changed so much, the structure of family has changed so much that perhaps that ideal family isn't so much needed any more. A lot of people will argue that kids screwed up the most have come from split families or families of same gender persons in the parental role.

Having come from a split family myself, having known people who have had same gender parents and knowing people from that ideal family, I'd have to say that the most screwed up tend to be from the ideal family! I turned out quite well! And I mean, I dunno, would the concept of same gender parents be a problem? I mean as long as the child is loved and can source either female or male role models from other places (ie aunts. uncles, family friends etc) . . . I just, I can't personally see what the big deal is. I know people who would kill for a loving family, to have been better looked after as a child . . . and I know people who were given everything they could have wanted from that "ideal family" yet have turned out to be the most horrid and selfish people I know. So what gives?

That's my rant for the moment. And even then it's not a rant. Just a thought process I guess. Not that I am having kids any time soon either! Don't go getting the wrong idea! It was just something to think about that's all.

Oi -back to work. Back to archiving. Back to the cave.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Canberra was cold. But then, that's Canberra! It even snowed which I have to admit I was pretty impressed by. It was a weekend of spending money, alcohol, drugs, sleeping, eating and driving. Well for most anyways! I was minus a few of those things (mainly drugs I might proudly add). What I did realise though is that I'm very happy with my life. I may lead a simple one and not party a lot nor have the best or first of everything, but I am happy. I am not trying to replace being lonely with monetary items.

Now I am back at work, back to the slog. Thats okay. I keep telling myself there are merely months to go and that's that. Being the start of August means no greencard, but also means plans are now conrete to go ahead and move to London. Which is exciting, I have to admit. Plus there is a wedding to plan for (as big or as small as we wish!) and well, just general excitement about being back in that part of the world.

Before then, Nancy will come. Before that I will be in Sydney for the mini SOAR reunion. And before that, I'll be in Bendigo for Zoe's wedding party. It's all happening, I tell you!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I looked at myself this morning before leaving for work and found myself looking at someone I didn't know. Not because I was a stranger and doing things I never thought were a part of my personality, but rather because I genuinely feel happy. I'm at a place I didn't see myself being at, certainly not now.

Erin and I are engaged. We will marry in the English summer of 2009 in London. There are still lots of plans to make, but most of those will have to wait until February or March to begin to be looked at. Its rather exciting I have to admit. I smile lots and people are very happy. Well, most anyways. I feel the people located furthest from me aer most happiest. I don't know, maybe I'd lost touch with life here a lot more than I thought I had. Not that it concerns me any, I'll be leaving soon and I have to tell you that's pretty awesome.

I'm highly surprised August is here. I'm not sure what happened to July. I know it felt like Maggie was here fleetingly (it was a whole month!) and I know that XF2 was released . . . but it can't be August all ready, can it? I mean winter will be over before you know it. Soon, Nancy will be here. Soon we will move. Soon I will leave for good. All in the space of months. In four months in fact. Four months and two days to be exact. And if July went by so quickly, well you get my drift.