Monday, February 27, 2012


And indeed it is. I've reached a point where life seems pointless. Now don't panic, I'm not down and out nor am I ready to end it all. More of I just seem to get up, go to work, come home, eat and go to bed. That has become the pattern of my life and I never thought it would come to that. Not that I'm a social butterfly and want to be out every night, but I feel like I am stuck in the routine and rut that is my existance.

My job is a job, thought much better than my last job in that I at least feel like I'm helping with something, making a small difference in the world. But still it is not completely satisfying. Erin tells me I give to much and am easily taken advantage of.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Clearly its not working.

So some years ago I decided that a blog was the way to go. As I've mentioned a few times this only works as well as the effort to keep it up. Can you believe I last wrote in July 2011? I totally can if I am honest. My lapse of time hasn't gone unnoticed. They say you shouldn't mark time, but its hard not to when you realise life is leaping from one event to another.