Wednesday, April 17, 2013

People Watching

A number of things occurred to me today. This is not unusual as throughout the course of any given day any number of new things will occur to me, I'll solve a problem, come across a new scenario and even once in a while discover something completely new and from left field.

That wasn't the point I wanted to make if I am honest. I guess what I wanted to talk about was people. Because we pass them every day in train stations and at home and in the work place. Sometimes, the people you see the most can surprise you the greatest. I don't really want to focus on that either because no one has surprised me today. I wasn't expecting them to. It was just a normal day.

But as I was sitting on the train watching the world go by on my way home this evening, I found myself thinking about the people around me and how they all fit into the bigger picture. Yes, some people just chronically piss me off. And others are just there. I don't want to focus on that either!

What I was thinking about were the connections between you and other people, and then the connection between other people. They are such odd things. Connections. They can creep up on you and make you realise things about yourself that you'd not taken notice of before. Not that anyone made me realise that today. I'm just generally speaking.

I guess what fascinates me the most is learning a new element of a connection that makes you sit back and go 'oh that explains it'. Because I had one of those moments today. Actually I had a moment today as I understood a kinship of going through a similar thing. I knew exactly how I felt in that moment and how lonely it can feel. It also made me think different about the people involved. Not that I thought badly of them. I just think of them differently now. And I wish I could help, though I know it's not my place to until they come to me. Let's face facts, they won't. Because they don't know I know what they know. All somewhat convoluted I know, but that was the point I was trying to make. It all gets so confusing and twisted and suddenly everyone is too scared to make a move because they don't want to rock the boat.

At least the sun was shining today I suppose.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, Monday

Once again I find it has been some time since I've posted. I believe in some ways I am incapable of maintaining a virtual journal, diary, record of my life. For some reason when I was attempting to maintain a paper journal things went a little better. Though in saying that, it's been some time since I wrote in my physical journal as well.

Not sure what prompted this.

We've moved house. I can hear the kids going by after school. I used to be able to hear that in the old house however now it's much closer as we actually live on a relatively busy street and are just a few steps from the fence line. Plus there is no hill, so people won't avoid the street!

Lois has decided to take up sitting in the bathroom sink. Not sure what has prompted this change as she usually dislikes water greatly. And yet here she is allowing it to drip on her. Strange creature. She's picked up a few weird habits since we moved, nothing dangerous, but things which just seem somewhat odd from her usual self. I guess we all need time to adjust to change.

I'm shortly going to end my time at Pax Lodge. I'm both happy and sad about this. For a multitude of reasons. Yes, I shall miss the people factor greatly. But the rest I'm perfectly happy to leave behind. Someone asked me that if I had the chance to do it over again, would I? The answer is no. Part of me wants to regret my decision to go back. Then the other part of me knows that had that been the case then I'd not have met some of the people I have and in all honesty I can't imagine life without them.

Gilmore Girls is on. It is a funny show, random and hilarious and just a show that requires little thought.