Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Numb Bum

I do, I have, its sore. And one should think so! After spending close to six years not having riden a bike, the 31kms (close to 20 miles) I did on Sunday has left a lasting impression. Literally every time I sit, stand and walk. I almost feel like John Wayne. Seriously. It's not funny! I suppose it makes up for missing Bootcamp on Saturday morning. I was doing so well! Stupid me thought I had set my alarm and I hadn't. I can't tell you how pissed I was!

Its been a rather eventful Queen's Birthday Weekend. Aside from the bike ride, visiting a cool book warehouse and getting some good books, there was also an issue with electricity, Erin being sick and me being addicted to a new card game. Also in there was a mini-friends Marathon, a movie about a control freak and her gay housemate and some interesting food ideas. Life is never dull.

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