Thursday, April 24, 2008

Its about time

See now that I know it's going to post, and after writing the one post like three times. It takes all the excitement and energy out of things. I can't even put into words how much that annoys me. So now I'm just going to dot point things. Well, as best as I can.

-I weighed in last night and beat 600 grams. Wohoo! Yours truly has lost 1.5kg! Yay!!

-Bootcamp starts next Wednesday. I have a snazzy t-shirt.

-This morning I rode in a lift with a killer. I think.

-After trying patiently (as if) for 40 minutes, I have kick ass seats for Wicked in June.

-Kids on the Block last night had issues. That's it. End of story.

How much does this post lack now? It has no real emotion or anything in it. I've just posted a list. How dull. How boring. How unlike me! Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ohh I have a new e-mail. Must go read.

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